My "Infrared" Experience other techniques

    Great results can be achieved with the Kodak HIE film if you follow Laurie White's recommendations: set the exposure conditions at f/11, 1/125th second and use a red filter (Wratten 25). Most of your negatives will result correctly exposed without the need for bracketing. You will also find that, by manually setting the film sensitivity at 200 ISO, your exposure meter readings will be OK. This also means that if you want to take pictures of subjects independently from their infrared content you can remove your filter and adjust lens aperture and exposure times as usual.
    The Maco film is slower than the Kodak one of about 2 stops so if you manually set the sensitivity at 50 ISO you can then play with this film in the same fashion as above.
    Please note that these are suggestions on how to start shooting but since the amount of infrared light cannot be predicted  correct exposure can only be obtained with the bracketing procedure.